Together with Mindful Practices we’ve created a Free offline resource to help parents & kids practice SEL at Home.
It starts with a quick check-in with their emotional needs. Suggestions on how to help them feel heard and not judged when they share. Then we’ve included 5 simple practices to help kids regulate their body & mind during these stressful times.
All this in a single page PDF that can easily be shared digitally or printed out and shared with those kids that don’t have access to the Internet or a printer.
Latest posts in our Resource Center
A Slice of Chicago: CASEL SEL Exchange
A Week of Connection A Recap of CASEL SEL Exchange 2024 in Chicago Class Catalyst attended this year's CASEL SEL Exchange Conference. If you didn't have a chance to attend, here's some of the highlights from our time there. Our panel discussion, Beyond Borders &...
Stay Connected with Students
Class Catalyst gives teachers better insightsHermione Granger got a time-turner — and teacher Sandy Graziano has a check-in app that helps build connections with students.Sandy Graziano, a teacher in the Chicago-Land area, has found a valuable ally in her classroom:...
Class Catalyst at ASCA 2024
Don't miss out on the industry's biggest event for school counselors! Join Class Catalyst at the 2024 ASCA Conference in Kansas City, MO. We'll be at booth #501 Saturday, July 13th through Monday the 15th! You'll find Rob Philibert and Mike Jakubowski, ready to share...
Getting the Most Out of MTSS with Class Catalyst
Schools & districts nationwide are eager to integrate the CDC’s recommended Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework to develop essential systems that nurture the well-being & mental health of all students. But many educators are left unsure how to...
The Power of Teacher-Student Relationships in the Classroom
Positive relationships between teachers and students benefit everyone in the classroom. These relationships can support students’ social and academic development, academic motivation, sense of belonging, school engagement, and self-esteem, as well as peer...
Class Catalyst is at ICEARY 2024
Join Class Catalyst and our parnters as we head to Bloomington-Normal, Illinois for the 2024 ICEARY Conference! Vienna Webb, Matt Weld, Ryan Wamser & David Lerch will all be presenting on Friday, March 8th. We will also have a booth set up for you to come talk to...
AASA National Conference on Education 2024
Join Class Catalyst and Mindful Practices in February for AASA’s National Conference on Education in San Diego, California at the San Diego Convention Center. Learn more about Class Catalyst through our exhibit and roundtable sessions! Visit Us at Booth #744 Come see...
How a Michigan District uses their Class Catalyst Certificates!
Principal Erin North at Vera Ralya Elementary in Haslett, Michigan, is passionate about empowering all students to be their best selves. Her focus is supporting the whole student — from educational to emotional needs. Class Catalyst has been an indispensable tool in...
We’re at the CASEL SEL Exchange 2023
The Mindful Practices team was recently honored to present and empower the national SEL community at CASEL's SEL Exchange in Atlanta. As an organization dedicated to fostering self-awareness and agency, the team was committed to empowering others and creating a space...
Daily SEL Check-Ins with Class Catalyst
Daily check-ins with students are a strategy that educators can use to incorporate a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) lens into the classroom. Students learn self-awareness and emotional identification, while educators can better understand student needs and classroom...
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