Why should we use Class Catalyst?
To empower your teachers with real-time information to help make trauma-informed, data-driven decisions about how to proactively address student behavioral needs.
Could we collect this SEL data ourselves?
Sure, it is possible. But, most districts do not have Tier 1 data, as it is too time consuming for teachers to collect and/or they do not have the right tools. Typically, districts have a lot of unanalyzed Tier 2 or Tier 3 data that they have collected but do not know what to do with. The key is to look at where you are data rich and where you are data poor and does this tool help fill those gaps.
Why is there a cost to Class Catalyst?
The main cost comes from collecting, processing and securing the info and then providing real time data to administrators, teachers, etc. For example, teachers receive personalized data about their class live, daily, weekly and monthly. No other tool on the market provides teachers with that level real-time info.
What do I do if a student doesn’t have parent permission to participate?
We offer a non-digital way (PDF) for them to participate. It lacks the tracking and real-time info, but it makes sure all students can participate.
What does “not ready” mean?
Not ready (red) means that the student may have difficulty focusing and is not ready to learn. Self-reporting as red means that they are feeling either overly excited, very low energy/sad, or angry.
Note if what’s being reported doesn’t match your observations, the student may using the tool to tell you something you otherwise wouldn’t know, or their self-evaluation scales may a little different.
Should I show the Class View on the big board?
Class Catalyst is designed to be a discreet platform for student voice. If students know that their status and comments will be shared with the entire class, they might be more hesitant to check-in in an honest way.
Are there teacher strategies for a whole class?
Yes! Teachers have an option to select a Group Activity after their students check-in—the activities suggested are based off of how the class as a whole is feeling. Group activities are meant to be teacher-led and include opportunities to connect and socialize in a structured way. Teachers will have access to all of the activities in the tool in their Menu.
How long does a check-in take?
It depends on the setting for your class.
A check-in alone is less than a minute. If you want your students to do a follow up strategy, then approx. 3mins.
Does each student have a login?
Yes, students will be assigned a username and default password. This password needs to be updated upon their first login.
If the school is using a single sign-on service, such as Google Classroom or Clever – then students can sign in by selecting the appropriate option on our login page: https://classcatalyst.app
How is the student login and password protected?
We use industry standard encryption, passwords are always encrypted, and only saved as a hash.
Of course passwords are only as strong as the creator makes them. As users, making sure your passwords are secure will be key in protecting your student information. Also any sharing of passwords or setting user permissions to have additional access will reduce safety of your student data.
How is the student personal info protected?
Access to student info limited to the classes or students a staff member has access to. Our team can help you setup the appropriate roles for your school.
What are the system requirements to use Class Catalyst?
Class Catalyst is a web-based platform, so it can be accessed on a iPad, Chromebook, Mac/PC laptop or even a mobile phone. We also support Google Classroom, Clever (SSO only) and ClassLink to simplify access via single sign-on (SSO).
Does Class Catalyst work with the Zones of Regulation?
Great! The self-regulation strategies built into Class Catalyst tie in nicely with Zones of Regulation. The colors on the battery icon (when checking-in with energy level) are also similar to zones Zones (blue – green(s) – red).
Do I have to have all my classes participate in Class Catalyst, or can I choose 1-2 classrooms?
1-2 classrooms is a great start.
What links should be whitelisted?
The platform: classcatalyst.app
Video content: classcatalyst.vids.io
The curriculum: curriculum.classcatalyst.com
Have additional questions?
Use the feedback button in the app’s menu or send an email to support@classcatalyst.com