Privacy Policy
What is Class Catalyst?
Class Catalyst is an online platform that helps measure each student’s energy level and mood, and helps educators assure that all students are properly motivated to learn. The Class Catalyst website is operated by Active Coach LLC.
Class Catalyst collects certain student information, including information from children under 13 years of age. We take student privacy very seriously and only collect, use, maintain and share student information in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the laws of your state and this privacy policy. Students under the age of 18 must have parent or guardian permission to establish an account with Class Catalyst and participate in Class Catalyst activities. Your student’s school is responsible for obtaining the appropriate parent or guardian consent forms.
Specifically, what information does Class Catalyst collect?
Class Catalyst collects only the minimum amount of student information necessary to utilize our services. Information is collected directly from students and is limited to the following: (1) student’s name; (2) student’s school issued email address; (3) student’s current energy level; (4) student’s current mood; (5) comments related to the student’s energy level and mood; and (6) other information directly related to one through five. Class Catalyst will not require students to disclose more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in its activities.
Who has access to personal student information collected by Class Catalyst?
Class Catalyst does not use third-party operators or vendors to collect student information. Personal student information is available only to Class Catalyst website administrators, a student’s teachers and school administrators.
What does Class Catalyst do with the information it gathers from students?
Class Catalyst does not sell any student information or engage in any targeted advertising. All information collected from students is used for legitimate kindergarten through 12th grade educational purposes as described in this privacy policy.
Class Catalyst does not disclose or provide third-parties, including our third-party partners, with and personal student information. Occasionally, Class Catalyst may send a student information or other content related to educational or learning opportunities, including information or content found on other online websites.
Does Class Catalyst currently work with any third-party contractors?
Yes. Class Catalyst currently works with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, located at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637. All personal student information is removed before data is provided to this or any other third-party contractor. Third-party contractors do not have access to any personal student information and only compile anonymous data for research and statistical purposes.
Is Class Catalyst’s website secure?
Yes. Class Catalyst maintains all information on a secure platform. While no online platform is 100% secure, Class Catalyst goes above and beyond what is required by state and federal law and industry standards to keep student information secure.
How long does Class Catalyst keep student information?
Class Catalyst deletes student information periodically when it is no longer needed. Upon request by a parent or guardian, student information will be deleted within 24 hours, unless your state requires Class Catalyst to keep certain information for a longer period of time.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a student?
By using Class Catalyst, you agree to all the terms of this privacy policy. Participation in Class Catalyst is completely voluntary, and students are not required to participate in Class Catalyst as part of any class grade or assignment. All Class Catalyst activities are suggestions and can be modified or skipped based on a student’s personal health or beliefs.
By participating in Class Catalyst, a student gives teachers and school administrators the ability to communicate with the student regarding any information the student enters in Class Catalyst. Such communication by teachers and administrators will only be used to assist the student with educational and personal matters and will not be used for disciplinary, law enforcement or other purposes, except as may be required by laws of your state.
What are my rights and responsibilities as a parent or guardian?
Parents and guardians must consent to their student’s use of Class Catalyst. By granting consent, parents and guardians agree to all the terms of this privacy policy. Parents and guardians can review their student’s Class Catalyst account information pursuant to FERPA. Parents and guardians can, at any time, revoke permission for their student to use Class Catalyst, at which point Class Catalyst will disable the student’s account. Parents and guardians can, at any time, refuse to allow any further collection or use of their student’s data, at which point Class Catalyst will delete all information collected on their student.
Parents and guardians can agree to the collection and use of their student’s information, but still disallow disclosure to third parties.
To modify student permissions, please contact your student’s school.
Is there anything else I should know about Class Catalyst’s data collection?
As is common industry practice, Class Catalyst may use information that is not associated with an identified student to help improve its website and services. This includes the use of anonymous information to demonstrate the products and services offered by Class Catalyst.
How do I contact Class Catalyst directly?
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or any of our privacy practices, please contact Class Catalyst at support@classcatalyst.com.
Where can I find more information about student privacy laws?
Additional information about COPPA is available at www.coppa.org and additional information about FERPA is available at www.ed.gov.
Updated April 25th, 2023