Class CatalystTM, a daily well-being check-in platform to support student connection, self-awareness, and self-regulation.
It’s not what we teach them, it’s how we made them feel at the end of the day.
— Evan Winkler, Michigan School Administrator
— Kayden Crawley, 9th grade student
— Evan Winkler,
Michigan School Administrator
Get To Know Your
Students Better
A Story of Connection:
“Tanya” is a timid sixth grader and new to the district. Last night she stayed up late watching her favorite team win the big game, and now, with the unfamiliar faces and the pressure of a new school, she’s feeling a bit overwhelmed.
I’m not the type of student that likes to express my feelings out loud. With Class Catalyst I can just type it and go about my business.
— Kayden,
9th grade student
Behind Every Emoji
is a Student
Hearing from
the Source
In the private student to teacher message field, Tanya finds comfort in writing to her teacher in a safe and discreet way.
Many students don’t want to say things out loud, but they love texting. This feature is really helping us to isolate problems and needs in our district.
— Robin, SEL/Mental Health Coordinator
Makes Habit
Behind Every
Teacher is
Class CatalystTM
will be provided real-time data, with actionable insights to meet each students well-being needs.
When teachers respond in a timely manner, it increases connectivity with students, making them feel heard and understood.
No More Guesswork
Teachers, administrators and counselors have access to real-time and longitudinal data, both aggregated and disaggregated.
And all of this is possible in as little as 3 minutes per day!
Feeling Heard &
Impacting the way schools practice well-being
Class Catalyst usage numbers have increased as the well-being community continues to grow! Over 30% of students are writing notes to their teacher, and enjoy scheduled check-ins or checking in on their own – even during holiday breaks!
Class Catalyst Educator Users
States using well-being practices On Demand
Class Catalyst Student Users
Schools and Districts impacted by Class Catalyst
Million Check points with students
Consider This:
* Principals surveyed in a 2017 research study believe that their students would benefit from being taught SEL skills.
Yielding an impressive
Yet, there are still many school districts across the country who haven’t implemented SEL. What are the concerns?
Put all concerns to rest with Class Catalyst
See how Class Catalyst can transform wellness practices in your organization.
Class Catalyst Is Not:
Class Catalyst Is:
Two step check-in made simple for students & teachers
Time Consuming
Daily check-ins & well-being practice in 3-minutes or less
Taxing on Teachers
Reduction of workload stress for students, teachers & staff
Designed to fit your budget & staff’s needs
Put all concerns to rest with Class Catalyst
Class Catalyst Is Not:
Time Consuming
Taxing on Teachers
See how Class Catalyst can transform wellness practices in your organization.
Class Catalyst Is: