A Fun & Easy Way for Students to
Check-In with Class Catalyst

Some student are less inclined to share their thoughts or feelings verbally. Listen as teachers discuss why students enjoy the ease and candidness of the Class Catalyst check-in.

“I think it’s a really fun and easy way for them to check in and tell me like if
anything is making them upset or sad that they necessarily don’t want to say
out loud.”

“… it’s good to get that feedback from kids that you don’t always hear from.”

“I’m noticing that a lot of kids that wouldn’t usually come up and tell me those types of things are checking in on the on the website. So it’s good to get that feedback from kids that you don’t always hear from.”

“I think it feels safe for them to just type it and send it to me that way. It’s also just like, a fun way if the kids are feeling really positive or proud of something, for them to just shout themselves out.”

The Class Catalyst platform integrates SEL and Well-Being practices into schools across the country. If you enjoyed this content, find out how Class Catalyst can help develop daily well-being habits in the classroom, at home, and everywhere!